Pain Management

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Formulas are a Natural Way to Relieve Pain

Acupuncture is probably best known in the US for treating pain. It decreases inflammation and increases circulation while cuing the brain to release natural pain relieving hormones. It unblocks the energy that propels blood and other bodily fluids to increase healing and function of tissue. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal formulas can reduce various kinds of pain; nerve pain, pain from arthritis, muscles, joints and tendons, inflammation from autoimmune disorders as well as pain from illness. Acupuncture is also known to help prepare the Body for surgery and speeds recovery time. It decrease post surgery and dental pain therefore decreasing the amount of pain killers that can be harmful and addictive. Besides acupuncture and herbal formulas Julie teaches self massage, and utilizes micro-current (a mild form of electro acupuncture), and cupping to help relieve pain and heal tissue.


YogAlign and key concepts from Foundations Training are other services offered that empowers her clients to get out of pain.

Julie has personally suffered her own back and hip pain and every member of her family has a spinal pain. So many people young and especially older adults experience this same issue. Julie has taken great care and time to learn to not only use acupuncture, but to educate and empower her patients as to how to stay out of pain by using methods such as YogAlign and Foundations Training. Learn More

Acupuncture after auto accidents

Acupuncture is very helpful for treating pain and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of automobile accidents. Often times experiencing a car accident will also trigger or aggravate prior physical and or emotional issues. Our bodies can hold onto “memories” and guard or tense either while driving or at other times as a way of protecting itself.

Acupuncture is probably best known in the US for treating pain.
It assists in the reduction of nerve pain, pain from arthritis, muscles, joints and tendons. Acupuncture also decreases inflammation from autoimmune disorders and pain from illness. Acupuncture is also known to help prepare the Body for surgery and speeds recovery time. It decrease post surgery and dental pain therefore decreasing the amount of pain killers that can be harmful and addictive.