About Julie and True Nature Acupuncture
Julie has been a health care provider since 1989. She started as a counselor and psychotherapist then continued her education to incorporate a holistic approach to helping people regain and maintain their health and happiness. When studying Shiatzu massage (which is based on the acupuncture Meridian system) she fell in love with traditional Chinese Medical Theory (TCM). Traditional Chinese Medical theory is based on the observation of the natural world and the understanding that we are designed to heal ourselves. Completing her training in Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2003, Julie now is able to help her clients meet the challenges that life gives us by addressing the many facets of our experience and supporting the healing power of our own bodies to repair and rebuild itself.
Nature has always been a healing source for Julie since a very young age and to this day most her free time is spent enjoying the great outdoors with friends and family.
Her hope is to empower people to realize their own true nature and thrive in health and happiness.
- Master of Science in Oriental Medicine, M.O.M.
- Southwest Acupuncture College, Boulder, CO
- Diplomate of Acupuncture
- Diplomate of Oriental Medicine
- Masters of Science in Community Counseling
Winona State University, Winona, Minnesota
- Acupuncture Association of Colorado (AAC)
- National Association of Hospice and Palliative Care Acupuncturists
- Acupuncturists Without Boarders
- Nature Conservancy