True Nature Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine is where everyone is given plenty of time to address all of their questions and concerns. Often a seemingly unrelated complaint is part of a treatable pattern. With an increased awareness of our unique makeup and an understanding of the effects of our lifestyle choices we can do a lot to affect our health and happiness.
COVID 19 Precautions Are in Place.

If you are experiencing flu like symptoms please reschedule your appointment and contact your Western medical doctor for testing for the COVID virus. We are doing everything possible to create a safe environment for our clients. Masks are required and hand sanitizer upon entry of office is also required as a precaution. We are spacing clients out to avoid contact and have implemented air filtration systems and sanitary cleaning practices to decrease any possible exposure. Your safety and comfort is our priority.



Acupuncture is one of the the oldest, most commonly used medical procedures in the world. It is a health care system on its own.

Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbal formulas are a helpful addition to acupuncture. Combining the two is optimal in treating certain conditions.


Acupuncture and Chinese herbal formulas are a natural way to treat depression, anxiety insomnia and stress.


Acupuncture is probably best known in the US for treating pain. It decreases inflammation and increases circulation.



Who should I see for acupuncture?

It is important for you to know that in our state, physical therapists, medical doctors and chiropractors can preform acupuncture with minimal training. So when choosing acupuncture, choose a licensed acupuncturist for best results.

Phone: 303-746-4389

Contact Us

60 Garden Center, Suite 104
Broomfield, CO 80020

We can do a lot to affect our health and happiness!