Issues Treated
True Nature Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine treats a wide range of health conditions which often respond well with acupuncture and Chinese herbal formulas including:
- asthma/allergies
- headaches/migraines
- gastrointestinal and digestive problems
- hepatitis and other liver disorders
- chronic fatigue/adrenal burnout
- mental/emotional problems
- Women’s health: gynecological and hormonal*
- healthy aging/maintaining health*
- recovery from surgery
- support during chemotherapy and radiation*
- end of life/palliative care
- insomnia
- stress
- preparation for and recovery from surgery
- and of course, all kinds of pain: nerves, joints, spine, arthritis,
muscles, tendons, ligaments, inflammatory disorders
*Healthy aging
Nothing stays the same. As we grow and change through the years so do the needs of our bodies, minds and spirits. It is a gift to grow “old”. Acupuncture is a great support not only to the functions of the body but also to the state of our minds, emotions and spirit on the path to fulfilling a life well lived in our higher years and beyond.
*Women’s Health
Gynecology is a very successful area treated by TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). Women receive relief from headaches, painful and/or irregular menstrual cycles, hormonal mood swings, difficulty with menopause and fertility issues. Other problems treated include fibroids, endometriosis, fibrocystic breast disease and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).
Acupuncture helps people going through chemotherapy and radiation treatments decreasing side effects, such as nausea, digestive disruption, fatigue, hot flashes, “chemo-brain” and depression. Acupuncture also strengthens the immune system supporting the body, mind & spirit throughout treatment and recovery.